Shows Screen

MainMenu Screenshot

Basic Info

The following Basic Info fields are included in every Show:

  • ShowID: This number is assigned by Cablecast automatically and is the system-wide unique identifier for each Show. Cablecast allows you to enter a ShowID to instantly recall a Show in almost every screen.
  • Title: The user-defined name of the program. Using a concise, descriptive title will make it easier for you to find a given Show later when using Cablecast's search system.
  • CG Title: The public-facing name of the program. The is used for any publicly viewable description of the program, such as on your channels Character Generator, website, and TV Guide output.
  • Local ID: A user-defined identifier for the show. This field is not automatically generated by Cablecast. Typically this field is used when data is migrated into Cablecast from a different automation system. This allows you to find Cablecast Shows based on the old system's identifiers if needed.
  • Project: Defines a grouping of Shows such as episodes of the same series. You can create as many projects as you would like, but each Show can only belong to one project at a time.
  • CG Exempt: Checking this box tells Cablecast that this program should not be shown on your stations character generator, or other public-facing outputs. For example, you might not want to include each and every PSA on your website's schedule display.
  • Ancillary Files: You can upload supplementary files for a Show here. Examples might include the minutes and agenda of a public meeting, the crew list of a live production and so on.
  • Thumbnail: The thumbnail of a Show is used on your website to give viewers a visual representation of the Show. Cablecast will automatically generate a thumbnail for digital files on supported video servers, and you can always upload your own thumbnail.


Each Show in Cablecast includes a single Reel by default. You can add and delete additional reels, but each Show must have at least one.

Video On Demand Section ><

The reel represents a segment of a Show, such as each half of a football game. When it comes time to schedule your channel, you will simply schedule the Show and Cablecast will take care of playing all of the needed reels in order automatically. Reel Settings include:

  • Reel Count: The total number of reels in the current Show.
  • TRT: The total running time of the Show, expressed in hours, minutes and seconds. This is the sum of the lengths of all of the individual reels.
  • In: The point in the source material at which the program starts. For example, if the file has 5 seconds of black before the beginning of the program, you will want to enter or . This field is expressed in hours, minutes, seconds.
  • Length: The desired on-air duration of the program. This field is expressed in hours, minutes, seconds.
  • Out: The point in the source material at which the program ends. This field is calculated based on the and fields. In order to enter timing information for a given reel, you will need to populate the In field, as well as either the Length or Out field. This field is expressed in hours, minutes, seconds.
  • "Trim video file" Button: This will open a window for marking in and out points on the media. More visual if you don't know the timecodes
  • "Copy time from file: This button will attempt to pull the length from the video file automatically.
  • Format: The type of content that this reel represents. Cablecast includes some default formats, but you will likely need to create more of your own.
  • Media: The Cablecast Media record that is associated with this reel. Media records allow you to have several reels that use a single piece of physical media, such as several segments on a single tape. This feature is not often used.
  • Device: Indicates if a specific playback device has been manually assigned for this Reel; otherwise, it displays . This setting can be edited by clicking Media: .
  • Network Stream: The Network Stream that should be used to play back this live content. See [Network Streams](#sec: Settings: Location: IOTab: NetworkStreams) for more information.
  • Aspect Ratio: (For Digital File formats only) Indicates if the assigned aspect ratio setting for this reel has been manually set; otherwise, it displays . This setting can be edited by clicking Media: .
  • Digital Files: (For Digital File formats only) Lists the files that Cablecast has associated with this reel. Clicking the link will bring up a dialog with more detailed file information.
  • Copy time from file: (For Digital File formats only) Sets the In, Length and Out fields for this reel based on the length of the associated digital file.
  • DVD Title and Chapter: (For DVD formats only) Sets the Title and Chapter of the disk that should be played for this reel.
  • Thumbnail: The system-generated thumbnail for the associated digital file or a format-based icon, if there is no thumbnail image.
  • Add: Adds a new reel after the existing reels.
  • Delete: Removes the last reel.

Bibliographic Info

The Bibliographic Info section allows you to keep track of additional details about the Show. The following fields are available:

  • Event Date: The date on which the Show was recorded. Example: the date of the football game.
  • Category: You can associate a user-defined category with all of your Shows to facilitate easier searches. Cablecast includes several default categories. You can edit and delete them as you see fit as well as create new ones.
  • Producer: The person or organization that created this program. You can add as many Producers to Cablecast as you need.
  • Comments: Any additional notes about this program.
  • Custom Fields: Cablecast includes custom fields that you can name and use to store any other data you need.

All related assets to the show record are displayed here. This includes:

  • Playback files
  • Thumbnail Images
  • Closed Captions
  • Video On-Demand Files

This will also show some additional information about files:

  • Stores: Which file store this file lives on. If multiple stores, each store will be shown
  • File Size: The size of the file on the file store

Clicking on a related asset will open the asset in the "Assets" UI.

Live Streaming

  • Live Streaming Exempt: If this box is ticked, Cablecast will not broadcast this program via live streaming. Instead, users will see a page informing them that this Show can't be viewed online.

TRMS Video On Demand

Video On Demand Section ><

  • VOD Enabled: If this box is ticked, Cablecast will automatically create Internet viewable versions of all digital files and publish them to your website.
  • Quality: Select the appropriate quality based on the content type of this Show. Higher qualities will improve the video quality at the expense of increased Internet bandwidth and storage space.
  • Status: Displays the current status of the automatic VOD transcoding operation.
    • If there is a problem with the source reel content, this will display "Source Incomplete". Please make sure your reel is referencing a valid file.
  • Watch: Opens a separate window so that you can view the completed VOD file.
  • Link: Opens a dialog that allows you to copy a direct-link to the transcoded file.
  • Embed: Opens a dialog that allows you to copy a snippet of HTML code that can be placed on your website in order to display the completed VOD file.

Closed Captions

Closed Captions Section ><

  • Auto Generate Captions: Will use a configured captioning appliance (e.g. Enco enCaption) or Cablecast Cloud Services to generate a captions file for this show. Enabling this field will display additional fields (Depending on configured caption application(s)):
    • Provider: Which provider to caption with (if multiple configured on system)
    • Language: The language of the speech to be transcribed
    • Vocabulary: Select a custom vocabulary for this caption transcription job

Note: The Languages selector will only list languages that the user has enabled. This configuration is available in the Languages setting.

Once the Show record is saved, the Captioning job will be queued.

Beneath the controls will show a history of any caption jobs that are in-progress or completed for this show with the following fields:

  • Start: The timestamp of the job start
  • Status: The result of the captioning job (Completed, In progress, Failed, etc.)
  • Provider: The defined provider
  • Description: A short summary pertaining to the status
  • Updated: The last update time of the job


Translations Section ><

  • Auto Translate: Will translate existing closed caption text to another language. Enabling this feature will display additional fields:
    • Source: Specifies the language of the source caption file to translate.
    • Language: This dropdown lets you select a language to translate to. Once you choose a language hit the Add+ button to add it to the list. You can add multiple languages to be translated. Languages already added will be listed below and can be removed by clicking the Remove button.

Note: The Languages selector will only list languages that the user has enabled. This configuration is available in the Languages setting.

Once the Show record is saved, the Translation job will be queued.

Beneath the controls will show a history of any translation jobs that are in-progress or completed for this show with the following fields:

  • Start: The timestamp of the job start
  • Status: The result of the captioning job (Completed, In progress, Failed, etc.)
  • Language: The language translated
  • Description: A short summary pertaining to the status
  • Updated: The last update time of the job

The View Text Tracks button will open the Text Tracks screen and display the current Show.

DSK Settings

The DSK Settings section allows you to define default values to be used for DSK info when this Show is scheduled. For example, you can define crawl text here, and it will be used automatically whenever this Show is subsequently scheduled.

  • Bug Text: User-defined text that will be shown on-screen such as for live programs.
  • Crawl Text: User-defined text that will be slowly moved across the top or bottom of the screen while this Show is on air.
  • Crawl Length: Sets how long the will be shown after the start of the Show. This field is expressed in hours, minutes and seconds.

Runs Information

Run Info ><

  • First Run: The first scheduled run of this program will be shown by its date & time, followed by the channel.
  • Latest Runs: This list shows all or some of the scheduled air times of this Show.

Show Stats

This will show basic information about the show record, such as the Creation date and the last modified date.