Internet Channels

This screen allows you to configure the Cablecast Public Site. The Public Site is a ready-made website for your station that includes schedule information, VOD playback and the ability to view live streams.

List of Internet Channels

Upon entering internet channels, you'll be presented with all of your internet channels setup on your local system.

For each item, you have three options to interact with it:

  • View Site: Allows you to preview and browse the internet channel.
  • Edit: Allows you to edit the different parameters and criteria of a internet channel.
  • Delete: Deletes the internet channel presence. This is a destructive action that cannot be undone. This only deletes the internet channel. None of the shows/videos are destroyed with this action.

At the top of the page, you'll see New Site. Clicking this will create a new internet channel and bring you to the edit screen for it.

Configuration / Settings

  • Site Name: The site name will appear on the client browser's tab as well as in search engines.
  • Header Logo: Upload your station's logo here. Your logo should be 400px wide and 75px tall for best results.
  • Social Media Logo: Upload a square version of your station's logo here. The square logo is used when sharing your page on social media. If multiple channels are present, it will also appear in the channel index at the bottom of each page. If no social media logo is uploaded, it will either default to the header logo or pick an image from within the public site's page.


Here you can define a physical linear channel that is associated with this Internet Channel.

Site Content

The "Site content" tab allows limitation of items & search results to return only specific collections of content. This is a great feature if you want things like meetings, and sports to return as results, but not everything else. Base Searches are powered off "Saved Searches". You can have multiple Site content items defined to specific a wider range of content.

To create a new site content item:

  1. Click New
  2. Select a predefined "Saved Searches"
  3. Define the number of shows. (Use 0 for unlimited)
  4. Click OK to save the new base search.

To edit site content:

  1. Find the item you want to edit.
  2. Click Edit to the right of the item

To delete a site content item:

  1. Find the item you want to remove.
  2. Click Remove to the right of the item


  • Banner Color: Select the color that will be used for the top banner of the site. You may also enter a hexadecimal color value such as for white.
  • Background Color: Select the color that will be used behind the content of your page.
  • Gradient Color: Select the color that will be used for the top of the page. This color will gradually transition to white at the bottom of the page.

Home Page

  • Slideshow Search: Select the saved search that will be used to populate the Slideshow at the top of the page.
  • Galleries: Use site galleries to organize the presentation of shows on your home page. A gallery is a set of shows, defined by a saved search. Galleries can be titled and ordered as needed. If no galleries are created, a default gallery will be shown containing a list of recent shows.

This overlay will be shown when creating a new gallery or editing an existing one:

  • Title: The title of the gallery as it will appear on the public site.
  • Saved Search: The saved search that will be used to select shows for the gallery. For more information see Saved Searches
  • Maximum number of shows in gallery: The maximum number of shows that will be shown in the gallery on the home page.

Show Fields

The allows defining what show record details are displayed on the show details page. The fields can be ordered by using the drag icon on the left hand side of each field. Click the to add a new show field to the public site. Click the and to edit and delete individual fields.

  • Label: The label the field will display.
  • Field: The property of the show that value will be taken from. Use to choose a custom field.
  • Custom Field: When is selected for this will allow you to set which Custom Field the Show Field will use.
  • Display: Controls how the field will be displayed.

Contact Info

  • Email: The email address that viewers should use to contact your station. Leave this field blank if you don't want to provide an email address.
  • Phone: The phone number that viewers should call to contact your station. Leave this field blank if you don't want to provide a phone number.
  • Blog URL: The web address of your station's blog. Leave this field blank if you don't want to link to a blog.
  • Facebook Page: The name of the Facebook page for your station. Leave this field blank if you don't want to link to your Facebook page.
  • Twitter Handle: The Twitter handle for your station. Leave this field blank if you don't want to link to Twitter.
  • Channel Index: Specifies if this channel will appear in the list of available channels on your public site.
  • Footer Title: The text that will appear as the heading of the footer section of the page.
  • Site Description: The content (HTML or text) that will appear as part of the footer section of the page.


On this tab, you can define a Google Analytics ID to embed. A Google Analytics ID is used to collect statistics on your visitors. An id begins with UA-.